Ask HN: What to do about ‘Good at programming Bad at Leetcode’ 99 by mikymoothrowa | 214 comments on Hacker News. Over the past few years I've met people who are really good programmers when it comes to putting together a full back end system , creating a very nice front end or creating any kind of app for that matter. Many of these people are fresh out of college and the ‘industry’ puts them through leetcode/hackerrank style rounds that are needlessly hard. I’ve seen the kind of questions these rounds have and quite frankly, if I graduated this year, there’s no way I’m going to get a job. Ever since 'Cracking the coding interview' was released, every company's interview process has become like Google's and Google didn't have a particularly great interview process to start with.[0][1] Now, there are several GitHub repositories that prescribe 3-4 month grinds on leetcode questions to "crack" the interview. And people do go through this grind. The peo...