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New top story on Hacker News: Show HN: Cloning a musical instrument from 16 seconds of audio

Show HN: Cloning a musical instrument from 16 seconds of audio
25 by abdljasser2 | 2 comments on Hacker News.
In 2020, Magenta released DDSP [1], a machine learning algorithm / python library which made it possible to generate good sounding instrument synthesizers from about 6-10 minutes of data. While working with DDSP for a project, we realised how it was actually quite hard to find 6-10 minute of clean recordings of monophonic instruments. In this project, we have combined the DDSP architecture with a domain adaptation technique from speech synthesis [2]. This domain adaptation technique works by pre-training our model on many different recordings from the Solos dataset [3] first and then fine-tuning parts of the model to the new recording. This allows us to produce decent sounding instrument synthesisers from as little as 16 seconds of target audio instead of 6-10 minutes. [1] [2] [3] We hope to publish a paper on the topic soon.


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